Tanzania Endorses Dr. Ndugulile For WHO-Africa Director Position

The Government of Tanzania has picked Dr. Fasutine Ndugulile to contest for the position of Regional Director for Africa at the World Health Organization. Dr. Ndugulile seeks to be the first East African to hold the position.

In a statement to announce his candidature, he pledged to be a leader that “empowers countries to shape their own health futures.”

The Regional Director’s leadership entails cultivation of strong partnerships, both with traditional and new partners, including philanthropic foundations, civil society, academia, and increasing engagement with young people and women in global health.

Currently, the position is held by Dr Matshidiso Moeti, from Botswana, first woman to be elected to the position. Since 2015, Dr Moeti has led the transformation of WHO in Africa to ensure the Organization is accountable, effective and driven by results.
Dr. Ndugulile, who is vying for the position, says his focus, if elected, will be on health security, universal health coverage, health promotion and prevention measures, strengthening health systems and promoting innovation.

“I aim to improve the overall health and wellbeing of the African population,” he said in his statement to the Minister of Health.

The Interviews for the candidates are conducted at a private meeting of the WHO’s Regional Committee and consist of a presentation by each candidate, in addition to answers to questions from members, according to the nomination and appointment of Regional Directors Process for the election of Regional Directors Note by the Legal Counsel issued on 11th January 2024.

Who is Ndugulile?

He is a Medical Doctor specialized in Public Health and Medical Microbiology. He joined politics in 2010 and he has been a Member of Parliament for Kigamboni Constituency in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania until now. He is a past Vice-Chairman of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Social Services and Community Development and Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on HIV/AIDS and Substance Abuse.

He has been the Chairman of Geneva based Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) Advisory Committee on HIV/AIDS, Maternal and Child Health between 2015 and 2017. Between 2008 and 2016, Dr. Ndugulile was a member of the Governing Council of the International AIDS Society which is also based in Geneva. In addition, Dr. Ndugulile has been a Member of Pan African Parliament (2015-2017); a member of the American Society of Microbiologists (ASM), Tanzania Public Health Association (TPHA), and Secretary-General and later Chairman of the Tanzania Parliamentarians AIDS Coalition (TAPAC).

Dr. Ndugulile served as a Deputy Minister for Health, Community Development, Gender and Elderly between 2017 and 2020.  With the establishment of a new Ministry of Communication and Information Technology in December 2020, Dr. Ndugulile was appointed its first Minister. This Ministry is tasked with the responsibility of overseeing the Digital Transformation in Tanzania.

During his short stay in the new Ministry, Dr. Ndugulile has supervised the development of the five years Strategic Plan, Broadband and Cybersecurity strategies. He has also championed innovation, promotion of starts up and adoption of new ICT technologies.

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