S.Sudanese doctor groomed in Tanzania awarded for scholarly work in UK

Dr Chour de Garang Alier, a South Sudanese national who was groomed at Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS) has been named number one rising star among black students studying in the United Kingdom.

Aged 35, Dr Chuor, who is studying Clinical Embryology at the University of Oxford, speaks to MedicoPRESS about the award that he received during a ceremony held at the House of Commons, Palace of Westminster.

Receiving the award is reminiscent of his tribulations back in the 1990’s, especially when his family had to migrate from one internally displaced people’s (IDP) camp to another.

His journey in the ladders of education, characterized by frequent interruptions, culminates into the latest award after many years of struggles in Sudan, Uganda and in Tanzania—the country where he finally fulfilled his dream of becoming a medical doctor.

“[This] award is about sharing stories of resilience aimed at encouraging young people of color to aim higher, in essence making them have role models,’’ says Chuor who was born in 1984 at Bor Town, Sudan, just a few months after the start of the Sudanese civil war.

Each year, Rare Rising Stars (RRS) awards and celebrates extraordinary black students in the UK, showcasing their achievements and efforts to the world.

“I don’t think I am any better than anyone. I think I was just first among equals, ’says the medic who is currently working on Assisted Reproduction Technology research as part of his Master of Science in Clinical Embryology at the Nuffield Department of Women’s and Reproductive Health; University of Oxford.

As a Gynecologist/Obstetrician, his research is focusing on optimizing cryopreservation techniques in general and finding ways to reduce challenges associated with freezing and thawing sperm.

While in Tanzania, Dr Chuor researched on predictors of surgical site infection among women undergoing Caesarian Section (CS) at Muhimbili National hospital (MNH), says a statement released by Muhas’ Communications Office in Dar es Salaam.

After years of practice in Tanzania, he has observed how infertility and stigma affect society. He is focusing on assisted conception to help people who have the desire to have children but are challenged with the inability to conceive one.

“My struggle every day is to try and remember that there is so much good to look up to despite the circumstances”, he tells MedicoPRESS as he encourages young people on networking and pooling resources together to help those in need; with a promise for a better future.

Chuor has been away from his country for over two decades pursuing his studies. He is sharing his story with the hope that fellow South Sudanese in IDPs will be inspired to pursue further education, and get to Oxford.

Chuor has recently been asked by his government to work at a hospital in his hometown of Bor. When he returns to South Sudan, it will be the first since 1991 that he gets back to his country.

Humble beginnings

Read further: In 1991, Chuor’s father, Mr Garang Alier Chuor, left his home village to join the liberation struggle and took his young son with him…….( RARE RISING STARS, 2019).

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