WHO Unveils Candidates Vying for Regional Director for Africa

The World Health Organization (WHO) has announced five candidates vying for the position of Regional Director for Africa, a role that shapes the continent’s health agenda. The candidates, nominated by their respective member states, were revealed by WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus on June 14th, 2024.

Also read: Tanzania Endorses Dr. Ndugulile For WHO-Africa Director Position

The nominees represent a diverse pool of expertise and experience:

The Regional Committee of WHO African Region is expected to convene in a closed meeting from August 26th to 30th, 2024, in Brazzaville, Republic of Congo, to cast their votes and nominate the next Regional Director. This nomination will then be submitted for appointment at the 156th session of the WHO Executive Board, scheduled for January 2025 in Geneva, Switzerland.

Also read: What Next For Dr. Ndugulile Following Tanzania Endorsement In WHO-Africa Candidacy?

The newly appointed Regional Director will assume office on February 1st, 2025, embarking on a five-year term with the possibility of a single reappointment. The selected individual will be tasked with leading the WHO’s efforts to address critical health challenges across the African continent, including infectious diseases, maternal and child health, and access to quality healthcare.

The election process is a rigorous one, with the Regional Director ultimately appointed by the WHO Executive Board in agreement with the WHO Regional Committee for Africa. This ensures a collaborative approach in selecting the most qualified candidate to steer the organization’s work in the region.

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