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Medico Voices
53 posts
Tanzania: What COVID-19 portends for cancer patients, caregivers
Around the world, almost everyone is talking about COVID-19, a pandemic disease caused by the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2);…
WHO: What Tanzanian medics ought to tell public on coronavirus and why
Tanzania is one of the 13 top priority African countries earmarked by World Health Organization (WHO) for interventions…
Gaps we can bridge with strong public-private partnership in healthcare
Globally, 400 million people lack access to basic health services and millions of others are increasingly getting impoverished…
Treatment-resistant malaria: are we winning the battle?
The history of resistance to antimalarials in Africa is not a happy one. At one time, chloroquine was…
Why malaria mosquitoes still dance in our bedrooms
There is danger in their music. They party in our bedrooms all night, and boastfully lift their bloody…
Why Tanzania must boost research on human genetics
Elsewhere around the world, scientists are deciphering new ways of identifying the genes that are involved in human…
Doctors are quitting district hospitals in Tanzania.Times have changed, tactics must change
For many years, Tanzania has endeavored to tackle challenges related to Human Resource for Health (HRH), however, the…
If you see an accident victim in Mwanza, don’t take photos, call 114
Before the era of smartphones, certain scenarios were unthinkable but now they are real. Imagine this. That a…
MUHAS students now join Tanzania’s growing health information crusade
There is a growing thirst for health information among the public in Tanzania. This seems to have jolted…
What the public must know about spread of TB in Dar es Salaam
Scientists at the Ifakara Health Institute (IHI) have identified places in Dar es Salaam where TB is highly…