MEDICOPRESS is a Non-Governmental Organization that promotes Medical Journalism, Professional Development and Public Health Education. It’s a network of medical scientists and journalists who believe in the dissemination of accurate medical/ health inform information in the process of imparting positive changes in the community.

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How healthy is city life in Tanzania?—Researchers find answers…

By Gemma Todd Research Scientist, IHI At Ifakara Health Institute (IHI), we recognise the changing burden of disease and its geography. A team of researchers at IHI...

12% of HIV patients in rural TZ diagnosed with high blood pressure—new study

About 12 per cent of HIV patients in rural Tanzania, aged above 15, were found to have high blood pressure at the time of...

500 doctors to Kenya: How TZ starves in the middle of plenty

It was ironic to hear in the local media that our beloved country, Tanzania, is going to generously offer a helping hand to its...

WHO issues list of bacteria that urgently need new ANTIBIOTICS

For the first time, World Health Organization (WHO) has come up with a specific list of resistant bacteria that no longer respond to current...

MUHAS pharmacists: “We now have evidence proving Octopus Soup boosts libido”

Pharmacists at Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (Muhas) say they now have preliminary evidence proving that Octopus Soup—popular in Tanzania as Supu...

Why medical doctors can’t escape the media, testimony from BMJ

Managing the Media : Media handling is not part of medical training, but talkig to the press can often come with the job.Cath Janes...