Professional Development

Tanzania: Exam Leak Forces 1,330 Nursing Students To Resit

The Tanzania Nursing and Midwifery Council (TNMC) has invalidated the registration and licensing exam results for all 1,330 candidates who sat for the exams...

How Practitioners Can Secure Tanzania’s Traditional Medicine Potential

As our country moves toward a holistic healthcare system that cherishes the power of our ancestral knowledge, traditional medicine practitioners take center stage, and...

Pharmacy Council Overwhelmed? Government Eyes TMDA For Inspections

Despite its lean staff of less than 100 and limited geographical reach, the Pharmacy Council (PC) is tasked with regulating the pharmacy profession but...

Plight Of Medical Interns In East Africa

A new study has found that medical interns, an important workforce providing first-line healthcare services in hospitals, are satisfied with their jobs but suffer...

How MUHAS Rose To Clinch Top Position In East & Central Africa

Fifteen years after it was hived off from the University of Dar es Salaam—where it was a constituent college—now the full-fledged varsity, the Muhimbili...

WHO announces updates on new class of tests to diagnose TB

The World Health Organisation has announced updates on new Tuberculosis antigen-based skin tests for the diagnosis of TB infection. The Tuberculosis antigen-based skin tests (TBST),...

Plight of Tanzanian Medical Students Evacuated From Ukraine

Ms Fidesta Swai is safe at home in Kilimanjaro Region, Tanzania after being evacuated from Ukraine where she was studying to become a medical...

Tanzania: Documentary zooms in life of medical students at campus

What does it take to become a medical doctor in Tanzania, how easy, how tough? If you are one of those still asking this...


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