Tag: Health journalism Tanzania


How Practitioners Can Secure Tanzania’s Traditional Medicine Potential

As our country moves toward a holistic healthcare system that cherishes the power of our ancestral knowledge, traditional medicine practitioners take center stage, and...

Pharmacy Council Overwhelmed? Government Eyes TMDA For Inspections

Despite its lean staff of less than 100 and limited geographical reach, the Pharmacy Council (PC) is tasked with regulating the pharmacy profession but...

Africa Unveils AI-Driven Platform To Boost Healthcare

Lusaka. Africa has unveiled an initiative powered by Artificial Intelligence(AI) to help people manage their health using a digital health wallet. Users of the wallet ...

Plight Of Medical Interns In East Africa

A new study has found that medical interns, an important workforce providing first-line healthcare services in hospitals, are satisfied with their jobs but suffer...

Silent But Grave Heart Disease Preying  On Young Hearts

Imagine a seemingly ordinary sore throat, the kind that you may have experienced during cold seasons. You’ve perhaps relieved the itchiness with a pill...

Every Medical Test Proved Negative, She Was Still Very Ill

It was 2006. Hajrrath Mohammed had just started Secondary School, with big career dreams ahead of her.  Then, she started experiencing unusual symptoms. However,...