Tanzanian health journalist wins award for reporting on infertility

Boniface Mashaka, the chairman of the Association of Tanzania Health Journalists (ATHJ), is among 13 winners of the “MeRCK More Than a Mother” Media Recognition Awards 2017.”

Mashaka won for writing on women who have faced challenges in their families in Tarime District Mara Region—a story that was published in Jambo Leo newspaper.

He is expected to receive his award, alongside his colleagues from Kenya and Uganda, in Nairobi at Media Recognition Awards during a special ceremony to be held on 9th July 2018.

The award giving ceremony will be followed by Merck Health Media Training 2018 on 10th July 2018. Other winners are from Uganda and Kenya.

The Training is designed to benefit the journalists in understanding the infertility issue in African communities and to learn the best media practices to cover such issues and raise awareness by following international standards of reporting and media ethics.

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